jove heal

Holistic Mindset Shifter, Healer and an Empowerment Coach!

Hi, I’m Shaveta

Welcome to my transformative healing and coaching practice, where I help individuals navigate their journey towards wholeness and happiness. As a certified practitioner in Theta Healing, Medical Intuitive Techniques, and Reiki healing, combined with my experience as an Agile leader and my training in Tony Robbins' coaching methods, I bring a unique, holistic approach to personal growth and well-being.

Shaveta Mehta

My own path to healing has been marked by challenges of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual fragmentation. These experiences have given me a profound understanding of the struggles one faces when seeking balance and inner peace. It is this empathy and wisdom that I bring to each session, creating a safe, nurturing space for my clients to explore their inner world and unlock their innate potential for healing and growth.

I tailor my sessions to the specific needs of each individual, drawing upon a powerful blend of healing modalities and coaching techniques. Whether you need support in cultivating a positive mindset, releasing pain and tension through energy activation, or delving deeper into past traumas to break free from limiting beliefs, I am here to guide you. Through our work together, we will clear stagnant energy, restore balance, and empower you to create lasting positive change in your life.

Shaveta Mehta

people who healed themselves



My mission is to help you reconnect with your authentic self, find clarity of purpose, and embrace your inherent capacity for healing and growth. If you're ready to embark on a transformative journey towards wholeness and happiness, I invite you to reach out and schedule a session. Together, we will create a personalized path forward, one that honors your unique story and supports you in manifesting the life you truly desire.


My mission is to help you reconnect with your authentic self, find clarity of purpose, and embrace your inherent capacity for healing and growth. If you're ready to embark on a transformative journey towards wholeness and happiness, I invite you to reach out and schedule a session. Together, we will create a personalized path forward, one that honors your unique story and supports you in manifesting the life you truly desire.

Claim Your Bliss

Unlock a Vibrant Life of Thriving Health and Relationships, Dissolved Stress, and Reawakened Passion.

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