jove heal

Shatter Limits,
Heal Deeply,
Rise Fearlessly

Let's ignite your soul's true power, heal deeply, and create an extraordinary life and legacy that will set the world ablaze.

people who healed themselves

Hi, I’m Shaveta

Welcome to my transformative healing and coaching practice, where I help individuals navigate their journey towards wholeness and happiness. As a certified practitioner in Theta Healing, Medical Intuitive Techniques, and Reiki healing, combined with my experience as an Agile leader and my training in Tony Robbins' coaching methods, I bring a unique, holistic approach to personal growth and well-being.


You are your own medicine.

My own path to healing has been marked by challenges of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual fragmentation. These experiences have given me a profound understanding of the struggles one faces when seeking balance and inner peace. It is this empathy and wisdom that I bring to each session, creating a safe, nurturing space for my clients to explore their inner world and unlock their innate potential for healing and growth.

Are you facing any of the following issues?


Stuck in unfulfilling relationships, longing for a deep, meaningful connection?


Struggling with chronic health issues that keep you from living life fully?


Feeling lost and disconnected from your passion and purpose?


Overwhelmed by the demands of work and personal life, leaving you exhausted?


Battling self-doubt and feeling like you're not good enough?


Dealing with persistent anxiety, depression, or other emotional challenges?

If you answered “yes”...

to any of these questions, you're in the right place. My coaching and healing programs help you overcome challenges, heal, and create a joyful, purposeful life.

We'll unlock your potential and align you with your highest purpose. Start living the life you deserve. Explore my offerings below and begin your transformation today.

Shaveta mehta

Different ways you can work with me

I offer a range of personalized healing and mentorship programs designed to support you on your journey of growth, healing, and self-discovery. Whether you're seeking one-on-one guidance, the support of a group, or the convenience of distance healing, I have a program to suit your needs.


Work With Me

Free Healing

Periodically, I offer free healing programs open to all.

Work With Me

Group Sessions

Join a small group of individuals facing similar challenges for targeted healing and support. These sessions have been known to facilitate instant healings and miracles. Experience the power of collective energy and shared growth.


Work With Me

Distance Healing

If you're not ready for 1:1 sessions or are unable to attend in person due to illness or other circumstances, this program offers deep healing from a distance. Simply fill out an application, send a picture of the person seeking healing, and receive daily or weekly healing energy.

Shaveta Mehta


Transformation Mentorship

Embark on a profound journey of personal transformation through exclusive, one-on-one mentorship. Together, we'll dive deep into your soul, heal past wounds, and align you with your highest purpose. This program is designed to ignite your inner power and create a life of joy, fulfillment, and positive impact. Limited spots available.

Shaveta Mehta

Claim Your Bliss

Unlock a Vibrant Life of Thriving Health and Relationships, Dissolved Stress, and Reawakened Passion.

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